100 Plus Blog Topics for Writers

If you’re anything like me, sometimes a good blog topic just doesn’t fall into your lap.

Here are some good ideas when you’re having trouble coming up with a good topic:

How-To Posts: writing, like any other craft, always has room for one more “How-To” post. Here are some good ones to play around with (and of course, you’re more than welcome to come up with even more ideas based on what you know):

  1. How to Invent Compelling Characters
  2. How to Create a Compelling Backstory
  3. How to Write Convincing Dialogue
  4. How to Flesh Out a Flat Character
  5. How to Breathe Life Into Your Characters
  6. How to Compose a Good Scene
  7. How to Compose a Good Chapter
  8. How to Know When to End a Chapter
  9. How to Ramp Up the Tension and Conflict in Your Story
  10. How to Create Atmosphere

Best-Of Posts: Readers love lists, and what better list than one sharing the best of some topic they’re interested in?

  1. The Best YouTube Videos for Writers
  2. The Best Twitter Accounts for Writers to Follow
  3. The Best FaceBook Pages for Writers to Follow
  4. The Best Instagram Accounts for Writers to Follow
  5. The Best Books on Writing
  6. The Best Books on Editing
  7. The Best Books on Storytelling
  8. The Best Websites for Writers
  9. The Best Magazines for Writers
  10. The Best Places To Write (Outside of Your Office)

Comparison Posts: The idea is to compare any two things, giving the pros and cons of each and showing the strong and weak points in comparison to one another.

  1. Microsoft Word vs. Scrivener for Writing
  2. Mac vs PC for Writers
  3. Pantser vs Outliner
  4. Writer’s Digest vs The Writer
  5. FaceBook vs Twitter for Writers
  6. YouTube Video vs Blog Post for Writers
  7. Pen and Ink vs Computer for Writing
  8. Social Media vs Email List for Writers
  9. Writing Mindset vs Editing Mindset
  10. Traditional vs Self-Publishing

Question Posts: You can take any sort of position and defend it (or tear it apart if you so wish). Hint – if you start with “Why?” your questions will be more entertaining to most readers, as well as lead more naturally into debate.

  1. Why do writers make the best lovers?
  2. Why is editing harder than actual writing?
  3. Why are most writers busybodies?
  4. Why is Scrivener the best word processing program for writers?
  5. Why should every writer have a YouTube channel?
  6. Why should every writer create a book trailer?
  7. Why do writers read?
  8. Why must you “show, not tell”?
  9. Why must you “kill your darlings”?
  10. Why is blogging essential to your success?

Lists: Everybody loves a good list, and you can whip up a great blog post by trying the old stand-by — “5 Things …” “Top 10 …” or “3 Reasons to …”

  1. The Top 10 Reasons to Write
  2. The Top 10 Websites for Writers
  3. 5 Books Every Writer Must Read
  4. The 3 Things Every Writer Must Know
  5. 20 Fantastic Writing Tools
  6. 5 Things Every Writer Must Do Before Writing
  7. 10 Things to Check Before Handing in Your Manuscript
  8. 5 Songs I Play When Writing
  9. 5 Sure-fire Ways to Create Winning Dialogue
  10. 15 Blogs All Writers Must Follow

Personal Essays: As a blogger and a writer, everything you think, feel, or do is fair game for a post. This especially holds true if your essays are about your life as a writer. Just remember to keep these light-hearted or downright funny (unless you’re aiming to incense or turn off your readers).

  1. How I Dealt With Rejection
  2. My Most Embarrassing Moment
  3. What I Have Learned From My Regrets
  4. My Childhood Home(s)
  5. How I Landed An Agent
  6. My Pets and Their Quirky Personalities
  7. Things My Family Says
  8. How I Gave Up Caffeine
  9. The Eulogy I Want Read at My Funeral
  10. My Goal(s) and How I Plan To Reach Them

Lifestyle Posts: With the right slant, even health and lifestyle posts can appeal to writers.

  1. How Meditation Can Make You a Better Writer
  2. Top 10 Snack Choices for Writers
  3. Can Exercise Make You More Creative?
  4. 5 Exercises That Can Make You More Productive
  5. Yoga for Writers: Why Does It Work?
  6. Eating to Improve Your Brain Function
  7. Socializing 101 for the Writer
  8. Top 10 Tips for Focusing
  9. 5 Super Foods That Will Keep Your Brain Active
  10. How Much Exercise is Enough For a Writer?

Photo Posts: While perhaps not exactly worth a thousand words, a picture can share a lot with your readers.

  1. Share photos of your writing space(s)
  2. Ask your followers to take a photo of your book in their hometown and share the photos and their locations
  3. Share photos from your travels
  4. Share photos from your latest book tour or signing
  5. Share photos of your pets
  6. Share photos of your readers’ pets
  7. Share photos of your hometown
  8. Share photos of your book covers and/or any artwork you have
  9. Ask your readers to snap a photo of them reading your book and post the photos
  10. Share photos of your favorite meal(s)

Interviews: This can be a tricky one. You actually have to know someone your readers would like to learn about — or be able to convince a stranger that an interview on your website would be a good idea.

  1. Interview a famous writer in your genre
  2. Interview a famous blogger
  3. Interview a social media expert
  4. Interview a literary agent
  5. Interview a publisher
  6. Interview someone with a special skill
  7. Interview someone with expertise pertinent to your stories
  8. Interview a writing teacher
  9. Interview a typical reader
  10. Interview a lot of readers or authors and post the average responses

Recap Posts: Any event you attend can be fodder for a good blog post. A recap is a short summary of an event (a webinar, conference, class, or special occasion).

  1. Recap what you learned at a conference panel
  2. Recap what you learned at a webinar
  3. Recap what you learned at a writing class
  4. Recap what you learned from your mentor
  5. Recap what you learned from your agent
  6. Recap what you learned from your publisher
  7. Recap a special event that inspired you to write
  8. Recap a venture into a new skill or hobby
  9. Recap what you learned from a book about writing
  10. Recap your experiences as a teacher or mentor

5 more ideas to generate blog posts:

  1. Opinion pieces: Start a debate by posting your opinion and asking for responses
  2. Free Stuff: post a link to a free short story or novella for loyal readers
  3. Music: share what you’re listening to, or what songs represent your main characters
  4. Nonfiction: if you’re a fiction author, write a nonfiction essay about something from your stories, like the history or a site or an event that would have taken place during that time.
  5. Infographics: these seem to generate more hits, especially on Pinterest

Keep the list going! What is your favorite blog topic or one you’d love to see written?