5 Types of Blog Posts

Here’s some more information on writing a good blog post.

To start with, there are basically five different types of post you can choose from:

  1. The List Post. This is exactly what it sounds like: making a list of things. This post is a list post.
  2. The How-To Post. Again, just what it sounds like: directions for performing a specific task. How to Write an Effective Blog Post, How to Write Convincing Dialogue, or How to Show, Not Tell.
  3. The Curated Collection Post. Gather information pertinent to your blog topic and share it with your readers. Top 10 Websites for Writers, 25 Gifts for Your Writer. Remember to give credit where due when sharing other blogs or images.
  4. The SlideShare Presentation Post. Images pertinent to your topic. Best Journals on the Market, Gifts for Writers.
  5. The Newsjacking Post. This means using a popular news story to increase your blog’s popularity. It’s harder to do if you’re writing about writing, as I do, but it’s doable with some creativity.

In the next post, we’ll talk more about the specifics of writing a good blog post. What’s your favorite type of post to write?