15 Things Most People Don’t Know About Me

Here are fifteen things almost nobody knows about me:

  • I taught school for five years
  • I was a short order chef in college
  • I have completed eight novels and am working on Number 9
  • I am a certified SCUBA diver
  • I published my first piece of writing in the local paper in high school
  • I was a state park naturalist for a summer in college
  • I had a pet rooster trained to walk on a leash when I was a child
  • I have picked cotton
  • I used to play on our roof as a child
  • I took a sailing class in college
  • I used to swim in the baptismal pool at our church as a child
  • I have fired a musket
  • I was a tour guide in college
  • I have a Master’s Degree in Education
  • I flunked physical education in middle school