What I’m Reading: Witchcraft Mysteries

I’ve started a new series, sort of a tangent on the Tarot mysteries. This one is by Juliet Blackwell and is about a witch who runs a vintage clothing store in San Francisco. You know I can’t resist San Francisco!

This is a cozy mystery series with plenty of romantic tension. Lily Ivory, the witch, is trying to find a place she can settle down and finally fit in–well, as well as a witch could, in a world of non-magical folk. She meets a journalist, a police detective, a surly psychic, and a powerful male witch, all of whom could be romantic interests. She also makes friends with a motherly Wiccan, a few local women, and a voodoo practitioner. And she gets an unasked-for familiar: a “gobgoyle” (half goblin, half gargoyle) named Oscar who can change into a miniature potbellied pig in public. Each book has some fabric- or clothing-related crime that Lily must solve, which turns out to have paranormal connections of course. There are demons and other witches and fairy folk and curses. It’s a good read so far (I’m on Book 6). If you like witchcraft and San Francisco, you should give this series a try.