What I’m Reading: Salem B&B Mysteries

I’ve sequed into another paranormal cozy series, this one with a haunted B&B in Salem, Massachusetts. The first in the series is Mrs. Morris and the Ghost, by Traci Wilton.

In the series, the titular Mrs. Morris is a recent widow who just wants to get as far away from her memories as possible, and to start over again somewhere. She chooses Salem, Massachusetts and purchases a remarkably cheap old mansion, intending to start her own B&B. Unfortunately, she soon finds why the house is so cheap: it’s haunted.

When Charlene turns out to be the only person who can actually see the ghost, he (a middle-aged doctor who died under mysterious circumstances) begs her to solve his murder. She reluctantly agrees, especially as the local detective is a hunk she might actually like to get to know better, if she weren’t irritating him with her questions about what he feels was a natural death. There are at least seven books in the series and I’m enjoying the quirky characters who come and go in the B&B.