Keep On Keeping On

A lot of the craft consists of just slogging along. You’d rather be outside, or watching TV or even cleaning the house. But writing is a profession like any other, and the work must be done. So you sit until your backside is numb and type until your fingers have calluses. You plug away at the boring parts and edit line by line until it’s done.


Here are some good tips to help keep you from going nuts during the boring bits:

  • Keep a calendar – write down due dates for a scene, a chapter, an edit –  deadlines (even if you’re making them) are a great way to put on a little pressure
  • Keep track – track your word count, chapter count, and edits – this will give you a running total that shows you how far you’ve come toward your goal
  • Chart the course – make yourself some colorful charts and graphs to show progress
  • Pay yourself – give yourself a reward now and then when you reach a goal – this can be as simple as a 30-minute break or as elaborate as a celebration out on the town

What’s your best tip for getting through the boring bits?