The Basics: Setting

Setting is another area where beginning writers have trouble. They may not fully understand the concept, or they might not have completely thought out their particular setting.


Setting is not only the place in which the story occurs, but also the time and social environment. A story can take place in New York City, for example, but the reader also needs to know when it’s happening (present day? the 1890’s? prehistoric times?) and which social setting the characters must deal with (high society? desolate poverty? middle class?).

In order for your readers to identify fully with the story, your setting must be both clear and vivid. The reader must understand where and when the story is taking place, and must form a memorable mental image of that setting.

Here are some tips for crafting your setting:

  • Use all of the senses – Don’t just show the readers where they are. Let them smell and hear it, and they’ll remember it better.
  • Make the setting a character – Create a setting that is unique to your story, such that the action simply couldn’t take place anywhere (or anywhen) else.
  • Know the setting intimately – Find or create a map and post it onto your cork board. Choose photographs to inspire you (these can be actual pictures of the setting, or just something that reminds you of your imaginary world). You should know the setting well enough to give a stranger directions. You may never use all of your knowledge, but just having it in your mind will create a more vivid experience for your readers.